Sunday, June 6, 2010


Yesterday, I showed the kids the movie Avatar. They have been begging me for days to watch it and yesterday was the day. The kids are only allowed to watch tv on the weekends, and they have a schedule for their limited amount of time. Friday nights they watch a Korean show. Saturday's we try to show a Disney movie of some sort, or they just watch more Korean tv. Since we had been busy on Saturday, we had our movie day on Sunday. The tv room is the place to be on the weekends. They pile everyone and all of the house moms into the small room and crowd around the tiny television. I absolutely adore my kids, but sometimes I don't like they way they smell. (Much like I don't like their cat-killing abilities.)They don't wear deodorant here in Cambodia and I've had to become adjusted to the stench of 75 smelly kids inside a small, un-air conditioned room. The trick is to go into the room before everyone arrives, and then your nose adjusts much quicker!

I told them it would be a long movie (it's 3 1/2 hours long) but they didn't care. Their eyes were glued to the screen the entire time, and I'm pretty sure most of them had no idea what was going on. My original intention was to have the movie be for ages 10+, but it's difficult, actually impossible to keep the younger ones out, especially with their cute smiles which I cannot yet say no to. Some of the shows they watch are pretty violent, so I figured this shouldn't be too bad. I am sure they have seen much worse!

The kids were completely enthralled. The best part for me was watching their reaction to the movie which is full of sensationally appeasing views for the eyes. I loved watching their faces, from the youngest to the oldest. They sat through the whole thing, making discussion amongst themselves when they didn't understand what was going on. I closed the doors to the tv case during the one un-needed scene, and the dorm moms laughed while the kids begged me to move. They loved the movie and all clapped at the end and repeatedly thanked me for showing it to them!

As I was watching the movie, I couldn't help but notice the similarities between the movie and myself at this point in my life. In the movie, the main character Jake Sully is living amongst the Na'vi people, learning their ways and the language. I feel like that right now, learning the customs and ways of Cambodia..and their language, Khmai. There's a part in the movie where Netiri is trying to help Jake pronounce a word and he just cannot get it right. I feel like that all the time. The Khmai language is full of different sounds that I have never heard before, which leaves my mouth unable to utter them. The kids love to help me say things..and they just laugh when I can't say a certain word. I've been given several nicknames here including "beautiful girl 24/7," "sres an" (Korean) and something that sounds like "roumdoul" which is a type of flower. Yesterday, I was trying to say romdoul and ended up saying something like "rumdie"and they all busted out laughing and told me it was a bad word. Note to self: do not say that word anymore!

One last thing. I think I'm becoming more Cambodian. I forgot to put on deodorant this morning. YIKES!

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